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Augmented Reality - Enhancing the Vision

Hello folks! In this post we will take a look at augmented reality and how it is changing our view of the world.

Video games were the point of attraction for almost all of us since childhood. As technology started finding new limits, the gaming industry introduced new ways to play the games. As we remember recently the famous smartphone game 'Pokemon Go'. This game combines real locations around us with virtual characters. To hunt your Pokemon you need to really walk on real locations. This game use sensors present on smartphone and internet to project the virtual information on real world. This new way of interacting with virtual characters on real locations is called augmented reality.

More formally augmented reality (AR) is integration of digital information generated by computer with user's real time environment. It is unlike the virtual reality where all environment is generated by computer graphics and separate from real world.  AR uses sound, graphics and haptic (touch based) feedback to enhance our real world experience.  The applications of AR can be from simple text notifications to performing complex surgeries. Example of products using AR are Google glass, heads up displays in car windshields, cellphone apps, business applications.

Types of Augmented Reality (AR)

1) Projection based AR

Here the artificial light is projected on real surfaces for interaction with user. Sensors fitted in the device detect the user movements and performs the tasks. This type of detection is done by differentiating original projection  and altered projection after user interaction. The best example of this type is  SixthSense technology, a wearable gestural interface.
SixthSense Demo by Pranav Mistry
(Image source -

2) Superimposition base AR

This type replaces full or partial view of object with new enhanced view of same object. Object recognition and producing graphics accordingly is important here for best results.  Applications of this can range from education, military to healthcare. One interesting application of such kind of AR is superimposing X-ray feed of  body part on real image of that part. 
X-Ray superimposed on real image
(Image source - )

3) Marker based AR

This kind of AR makes use of camera and some kind of marker to produce results base on marker type. Marker is useful to distinguish virtual information from real world information. Markers used for detection should be simple and have low processing power requirement, so QR codes are useful here. By specially designed markers the orientation of user can also be calculated to improve user experience. 
Marker based car mag-wheel demo
(Image source -

4) Marker-less AR

This is most widely implemented kind of AR applications. One example we saw in introduction war 'Pokemon Go' falls in this category. Marker-less AR used camera, GPS, e-compass, magnetometer, accelerometer from device, and provide data based on your location. This was largely implemented because of availability of hardware in smartphones and wearable devices. Most map based location-centric applications use marker-less AR. 

Pokemon Go game
(Image source -

The advancement in electronic devices enhanced the speed of data processing, this helped the development of such technologies.  In near future we will see more applications using AR to enhance user experience and simplify our life. Many companies are integrating AR with their products some of them are Tata Nexon car, Yeppar - AR technology solutions etc.

This was simple overview of this incredible technology. If you want to experience the simple AR in your smartphone try Motion Stills application (PlayStore Link). This app has AR Mode, which project AR stickers on screen.
AR mode in Motion Stills application
Thank you for reading. Please share this article with your friends. See you in next post! Have a nice time!


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