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Technology in Healthcare

Hello folks! In this post we will take a look at technological advancements that are happening around us related to healthcare. Technology is vital driving force behind improvements in healthcare, we can say that this is true when we see the rate of change in recent innovations. Technology has impact on many aspects of our life as improvement in data collection, research and advanced treatments help healthcare providers with new tools and techniques and innovative medicine practices. Artificial intelligence (AI): (Source - As we have seen in last post about Augmented Reality ( read more ) , the artificial intelligence is playing vital role in data analytics for healthcare. As the adoption of electronic health record (HER) is increasing and technologies like big data and cloud computing is helping to perform some analysis on this data. By this practitioners and medical researchers can develop new ways to find cure for difficult diseases. Robot
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Augmented Reality - Enhancing the Vision

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A look at budget Earphones

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Dual Camera: An in-depth look!

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